Greg Vanek


Vice President, Aluminum

Born, raised, and educated in New Orleans, and a lifelong resident of the area, Greg started his career in the scrap recycling industry with Southern Scrap Material Company in 1986. Working the peddler scale at various yards, sorting brass, copper, stainless, nickel alloys, and aluminum were his introduction to the scrap business. Later moving into industrial account management and barge/ship/oil rig purchasing. He was soon drawn into corporate level domestic and international sales of ferrous and nonferrous metals. This offered him the opportunity to travel internationally and gain invaluable experience, while working directly under the strongest mentors in the business. Eventually, moving into nonferrous (primarily aluminum) brokerage at Dominion Metals, and later expanding into aluminum scrap processing with Noble Americas Corp. This knowledge and experience brought him to Kataman Metals in 2015, helping to expand their already considerable breadth in the metals recycling industry.

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